Life After Child Loss

The Right Questions For Better Life

Liene Ciguze Season 2 Episode 49

You know what you want, but keep doing the same as always. Sounds familiar? What keeps happening is - we slide back into autopilot and disconnect from ourselves and the things we truly want. 

How to disrupt the autopilot?

Asking yourself powerful questions will wake you up from autopilot and make conscious what was unconscious before so that you can choose from your power.

Here are five questions from Debbie Ford that might help you:

-       Will this choice propel me forward, or will it keep me stuck in the past? 

-       Am I looking for what's right, or am I looking for what's wrong

-       Am I standing in my own power, or am I trying to please another? 

-       Is this act of self-love, or is this act of self-sabotage?  

-       Will this choice add to my life force, or will it rob me of my energy? 

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